
Buchanan Hauling & Rigging

Buchanan Hauling & Rigging began with one truck, two trailers, and a dream to provide high-quality jobs to drivers and owner-operators. Recruiting a truck driver on average costs $6,000 to $12,000 (source). The competitive landscape means driver turnover is a constant battle for trucking companies. Culturecruit has helped Buchanan Hauling battle these rising recruiting costs by delivering quality leads every month.

“Recruiting truck drivers is an ever-moving target. You can pick up a new account and need drivers in that area immediately or a driver can leave at any time leaving you with an empty seat. Culturecruit thinks outside the box to reach drivers. I’m thankful to have the support of this friendly team to help with the creative side of our recruitment marketing. If I can get a driver on the phone to answer their questions and explain all the benefits and pay, then I can do my job and close them. Culturecruit’s methods have helped get me those drivers to talk to which makes my job easier.” – Sandi Karajic, Driver Recruiter at Buchanan Hauling & Rigging